Sunday, May 9, 2010

Penelope the movie.

"penelope" One of the best movies i have seen in recent time. Main theme for this film "Its not the power of the  curse but what power YOU give the curse".
i recommend as a must watch for all the teenagers and future parents.
I have seen many parents and families not accepting kids how eternal and beautiful as  they are and instead see only the gray side of the looks and personality.

Movie starts with curse on a family when family laughs when son fo theirs proposes to marry a maid who he loves and a No from the family .the maid commits suicide and the mother of her being a witch of town curses the family that whoever has a girl will have pig faced.

Luckily family doesnot see  the curse for 5 generations until one day one of the family gives birth to a girl  child and with a pig nosed her mother manages to keep her away from the real world faking she is dead ..

and rest must watch.. (the taking was good.)

good Movie .
