Friday, December 17, 2010


No doubt U.P(21) ,Tamilnadu(27) and Rajasthan(20) were a big surprise and comeback for UPA .

Andhra Pradesh witnessed a huge Suport for YSR govt policies like Indiramma gruha patakam, Farm loan waiver,Free Current , Rajeev arogya Sri. most of these policies except Indiramma gruha patakam are just vote-bank policies intended to attract people rathar than to develop them in allround social and economic way.
And also people could not believe cash-deposit schemes and free colour TV false promises made by TDP and the dragging nature of TRS(Telangana rashtra samiti) for separate State rathar than seriously trying to acheive it.Its also suprising that congress made no more new promises other than they would complete the half-way around projects like Indiramma gruha patakam(like houses will remain unbuilt completely if TDP comes to power).YSR 's Controversial statement like if TDP alliance comes to power andhrite people will be thrown away from Hyderabad region after 2 phases of election process just remaining in Andhra part . In my view YSR should have been booked for Divise Comments and making speeches that may arouse communal atrocities in hyderabad . sadly that could not happen since naveen chawla(pro-congress) already took the chair of CEC by that time.

Now again big time for congress cadre to plunder the state economy as much as they want ignoring all the basic necessities needed like food,water,shelter and electricity for poor people.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Penelope the movie.

"penelope" One of the best movies i have seen in recent time. Main theme for this film "Its not the power of the  curse but what power YOU give the curse".
i recommend as a must watch for all the teenagers and future parents.
I have seen many parents and families not accepting kids how eternal and beautiful as  they are and instead see only the gray side of the looks and personality.

Movie starts with curse on a family when family laughs when son fo theirs proposes to marry a maid who he loves and a No from the family .the maid commits suicide and the mother of her being a witch of town curses the family that whoever has a girl will have pig faced.

Luckily family doesnot see  the curse for 5 generations until one day one of the family gives birth to a girl  child and with a pig nosed her mother manages to keep her away from the real world faking she is dead ..

and rest must watch.. (the taking was good.)

good Movie .


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Untouchability and Real India

Yes we are living in a INDIA SHINING era and as media depicts "Obama says India is overtaking us..our children need to be more focussed at math and science...(and all the crap)".
I think a lawsuit should be filed as "Depicting INDIA as differently from what it exsists ".he needs a really a good tour of village India.
 after that he will say that Untouchability is worse than Racism prevalent in the world.

As i am from village background  and had my schooling in a good nearby town ,  i was able to clearly distinguish the lifestyles of village and town people in general.

In villages people live by castes in every category and in towns people live by Income category(not giving attention to castes). although people with good eduaction and good earning low caste people are respected.
so ofcourse educational standards and economic standards demand the respect from every strata of society.

I hate myself being called a HINDU and wish to call me an atheist(self-proclaimed athiest). Manu smriti which introuced this caste system should be banned and declared the literature the main  cause for unrest in the prevalent social conditions of divided India (what i like to call.. given its present conditions).

Only way to remove all these so called Dalits people is to start recognising people in the society by their income levels,nothing other than that.i.e giving more oppurtunities and encouraging people of lower income groups .
No where starting from birth certificate to death certificate caste should be asked for to be filled .
population census should be made to recognise people by income levels  and  no caste.

Implementation part in later post..... 

this will eventually remove

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Suicides scenario in Telangana and Movement (Poratam)

It is really heart-breaking to see students self immolating  out of frustation and feeling decieved that Telangana state might not be a  reality or so.
I would rather not say "Amar rahe" and condemn this suicidial trends happening. Is that the only way left out.
I would admire the courage with they dared to kill themselves and suffer that pain but i feel that "They should not have done this or in otherway used this courage to fight against the corrupt leaders ,state govt and central govt"either peacefully or violently if u had to resort this kind of act.People  could have contributed more to the movement than self-immolating. Some say  it as a protest(I am not convinced by this).Tempers have crossed the boundaries and its normal to expect these kind of crazy acts in times of movement.

I would blame this all succeding suicides after srikanth on Media. how could media show all these images(half-blurred instead of full-blur) images and continously braodcasting the same news prompting teenagers to commit suicides. Media should be booked under "Abetment to suicide or murder act" .

time has come people will stop believing in this democratic process and resort to other available options of protesting and fighting against the govt. At least i have lost all the faith in the democratic functioning of the central and State govts .

INC should be caned  for playing votebank politics and playing with tempers and aspirations of telangana people and no less are Andhra capitalists lobbying heavily against the Telangana statehood formation.

similar was the situation in 1969 where Marri chenna reddy bowed to central govt and accepted C.M post instead of Telangana state and decieved all the telangana people and students. i heard that then lot of students turned to  extremist Naxalite movements.

So Central govt is one or the other cause of rise of naxalism in country because of its state policies followed and encouraging(Globalization~Capitalism).It is indirectly breeding the naxalism (Maoism) in full conscience and again struggling to control it .

I think the type of assembly or parliament functionary system in Indian scenario is not suitable where people have to stage dharnas,rastharokos to convey their message to Federal authority. 

Sorry the topic has been traveling in may directions...
I feel sad at our system who are projecting people who have made suicides as marytrs rathar than fighting against the oppression and state power.should they see it and learn or what?

Sorry this is my space . i have right to express my feelings here.
BUT will surely welcome  u r thoughts and comments here

Jai telangana.