Saturday, February 27, 2010

Untouchability and Real India

Yes we are living in a INDIA SHINING era and as media depicts "Obama says India is overtaking us..our children need to be more focussed at math and science...(and all the crap)".
I think a lawsuit should be filed as "Depicting INDIA as differently from what it exsists ".he needs a really a good tour of village India.
 after that he will say that Untouchability is worse than Racism prevalent in the world.

As i am from village background  and had my schooling in a good nearby town ,  i was able to clearly distinguish the lifestyles of village and town people in general.

In villages people live by castes in every category and in towns people live by Income category(not giving attention to castes). although people with good eduaction and good earning low caste people are respected.
so ofcourse educational standards and economic standards demand the respect from every strata of society.

I hate myself being called a HINDU and wish to call me an atheist(self-proclaimed athiest). Manu smriti which introuced this caste system should be banned and declared the literature the main  cause for unrest in the prevalent social conditions of divided India (what i like to call.. given its present conditions).

Only way to remove all these so called Dalits people is to start recognising people in the society by their income levels,nothing other than that.i.e giving more oppurtunities and encouraging people of lower income groups .
No where starting from birth certificate to death certificate caste should be asked for to be filled .
population census should be made to recognise people by income levels  and  no caste.

Implementation part in later post..... 

this will eventually remove